Top 10 CRM Templates for BD Managers

10 Vorlagen

For BD Managers, CRM is indispensable as it organizes and streamlines the intricate process of managing customer relations and tracking sales leads. A comprehensive CRM template, when utilized effectively, can enhance efficiency by centralizing client interactions, sales prospects, and deal progressions, enabling better strategic planning and execution. Before venturing into creating your own CRM system, consider exploring these CRM templates to simplify the process and optimize your business development efforts.

1. Ultimate CRM

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Ultimate CRM

Stay organized, track leads and deals, and nurture valuable relationships, all in one sleek and professional platform.

2. OptiOpp CRM

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für OptiOpp CRM

The OptiOpp CRM system implemented within Notion takes inspiration from the data model of Salesforce, a widely-used CRM platform. By leveraging the flexibility and customizability of Notion, this CRM aims to provide a comprehensive solution for managing customer interactions and improving sales processes.

3. Project Management System

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Project Management System

Struggling to manage multiple projects, tasks, deadlines, and team collaboration? Wish for a solution that makes project management simpler and boosts your productivity? Look no further! Our Project Management Notion Template is your answer.

Elevate Your Projects, Simplify Your Success!

- Organize and monitor all your projects in one place.
- Keep track of tasks with daily views, task tables,.
- Management project all in one—Staff, Client & Finance.
- Collaborate with your team, attach files, and prioritize tasks for smoother teamwork.

Key Benefits

- Efficiency: Streamline your project management process, reduce admin work, and increase efficiency.
- Clarity: Have a clear view of your project landscape with project statuses, deadlines, and tasks in one place.
- Productivity: Focus on today's tasks and increase your productivity.
- Team Collaboration: Improve team collaboration, share files, and assign tasks to ensure everyone is aligned.


- Project Sections: Categorize projects as "Done," "Not Started," or "In Progress," and see the number of remaining tasks instantly.
- Tasks Section: Manage tasks efficiently with daily views, structured table views, and workflow-visualizing Kanban views. Group tasks by project.

Ready to take control of your projects, boost your productivity, and simplify your project management? Don't let your projects overwhelm you. Try our Project Management Notion Template today and experience the difference. Take the first step towards organized, efficient project management now! You and your projects deserve the best. Get started today.

4. Vertriebs-CRM

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Vertriebs-CRM

Dein Funnel kommt auch gut ohne komplizierte SaaS-Software aus, glaub uns! Mit Notion kannst du selbst entscheiden, welche Aspekte deiner Interessent/-innen du im Blick behalten möchtest. Zu jedem Eintrag gehört eine eigene Notion-Seite, wo du zu jedem Schritt Anmerkungen hinzufügen kannst. Die Vorlage dient dir als Grundlage für dein maßgeschneidertes System.

5. Business CRM

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Business CRM

Managing client relationships just got a whole lot easier with our 'Business CRM' template. Tailored for businesses big and small, it's your go-to for keeping track of customer interactions, sales opportunities, and everything in between. This template not only simplifies client management but also helps you personalize your approach, making each customer feel like a VIP. It’s the perfect blend of efficiency and personal touch, transforming how you connect with your clients and grow your business.

6. Personal Wiki

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Personal Wiki

Overwhelmed by too much info? Need a better way to organize and make sense of it all? Look no further than the Personal Wiki!

🌟 Features at a Glance:

Inbox: Jot down thoughts and ideas on the fly.

My Areas & Goals: Pinpoint your interests and keep them in line with what you're learning.

Inputs: Sort insights from everywhere, whether they're ideas, readings, or courses.

Output | Treasure: Turn your knowledge into something special!

🚀 Why You'll Love Personal Wiki:

Keep It Organized: Say goodbye to scattered info and hello to a well-organized system.

Stay On Track: Make sure everything you learn is in line with your bigger goals.

All Your Knowledge, One Spot: Whether you're a professional keeping up with the latest or a book lover diving deep, this template has got you covered.

Always Be Growing: Perfect for anyone who's all about learning and self-improvement.

Ready to turn that info overload into something amazing? Dive in and start building with Personal Wiki!

7. Client CRM

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Client CRM

- The first section that you'll see after accessing this template is the tasks section. This makes it easier for you to know which tasks you're currently working on as well as closed tasks. Add new project-related tasks, track which client the task is connected to and the due date.
- Every table/database is linked so that you don't have to input your details twice. There's a display of all the current clients that you're working with vs past clients.
- Track your open and closed projects in one place.
- Add client interactions and what project/ task they're related to as well as the interaction type (call, text, meeting e.t.c) and important notes.

8. Vertriebspipeline mit Automatisierungen

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Vertriebspipeline mit Automatisierungen

Optimiere deinen Vertriebsprozess mit der Vertriebspipeline-Vorlage von Notion, die Datenbank-Automatisierungen für die Echtzeitverfolgung von Geschäften, Kontakten und Status enthält. Mit automatischem Datumsstempel und Team-Benachrichtigungen rationalisiert diese Vorlage deinen Workflow und stellt sicher, dass dir keine Verkaufschance entgeht. Nutze diese Vorlage, um einen 360-Grad-Überblick über deinen Vertriebsprozess zu erhalten und spare dir dabei die manuelle Arbeit.

9. Persönliches CRM

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Persönliches CRM

Behalte den Überblick über alle Personen, die du kennenlernst, was du über sie weiß, wann du Kontakt aufnehmen kannst und ob es sich um einen beruflichen Kontakt handelt. So kannst du immer nachfassen und kennst immer das richtige Geschenk.

10. Fundraising-Datenbank

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Fundraising-Datenbank

Nutze diese Datenbank, um alle Interaktionen mit Investor/-innen im Blick zu behalten. Bestimme den Status jedes Gesprächs (z. B. geplantes Treffen, Terminskizze, abgeschlossen) und siehe, wann du zuletzt Kontakt aufgenommen hast. Jede Zeile öffnet sich auf einer eigenen Seite, auf der du alle Notizen von Meetings aufbewahren, Checklisten von Folgeaufgaben anlegen, Videos oder Podcasts über die in Frage stehenden VCs einbetten kannst.
Lasse dir diese Datenbank als Board sortiert nach Status anzeigen, damit du sehen kannst, welche Investor/-innen auf welcher Stufe in deinem Fundraising-Prozess stehen - und halte die Dinge in Bewegung!


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